Return Policy:

Returns & Exchanges

MACKWEAR, is committed to making sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase. When you receive your purchase, examine it carefully. You have 14 days to return or exchange item to us. Upon return and receipt of the product, MACKWEAR will exchange, refund, or credit you for the item. Shipping fees or taxes will not be reimbursed. All products must be returned in their original condition, unaltered, unworn and unwashed with tags and labels still attached, with a copy of the invoice and the reason for return included. Exchanges must be for an item of equal or lesser value, and we will adjust the final cost as needed.

NOTE: When shipping product back to MACKWEAR, customers should choose the shipper that shows on the label. Please take note of the tracking number indicated in your return label, as we cannot be responsible for any items lost in transit.

Mackwear Clothing Co.
P.O. Box 1954
Rancho Cordova Ca 95741
